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Get the step by step formula and learn how to write a relevant, memorable, professional resume that gets you noticed AND interviewed.
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One employer called me within an hour…
Thank you for your help with assembling my resume. Your direction and assistance resulted in a comprehensive and professional document. I recently sent my resume to two employers and have secured two job offers. One employer had me on the phone within an hour of receiving it by email and had basically given me the job sight unseen
A. Harding
Tumut, NSW
How to Deal With Knock Backs – Keeping Positive in Tough Times
Rejection is never an easy feeling to deal with. Knowing that, for one reason or another, you did not make the cut is a very
Why Some Struggle To Toot Their Own Horn
In a job market that is infamous for being cut-throat, learning how to simply drop a line about your skills and qualifications while networking is
Why You Don’t Get The Job When You’re Overqualified
Many of you would think that we now live in a more conventionally sensible world, and having more and more qualifications would make you a